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Here's What Our Happy Clients Are Saying

Lambers’ zoom seminar was ALIVE from beginning to end. Lambers laid a foundation that stood up til the very last sentence. He spoke from lived experience. Instead of regurgitating knowledge from books, he pulled information from sometimes humorous perspectives in his life, whilst bringing home very profound truths. Lambers’ seminar was filled with life changing “pointers” that help guide the way without condemning the one trying. He consistently reminded us to look within and ask very deep questions. I was left with many things to contemplate and new eyes to see life differently. I am eternally grateful.”

Priscilla Barnett
Passages Family Support

Lambers normalized the tension around cultural competence conversations, inviting us to participate in the dialogue even when, or especially when, they are uncomfortable. Lambers helped me realize that I didn’t have to know everything about everybody to have a positive impact on somebody, giving incredible permission for us all to engage in the training wherever we were at and start to grow from there. Lambers’ focus on our own opportunities for growth and self-reflection, rather than stats and theory, made this one of most engaging trainings on the subject of multicultural competence that I have ever attended.”

Stephani Wolfe
Creighton University
Arizona Health Education Alliance

I loved Lambers’ Diversity Made Simple seminar. I loved how empowering and can-do it was. I loved how he explained so many concepts and was so normalizing, especially giving so many relatable examples around religion, socioeconomic status, and privilege. It was so helpful and made me feel as though I CAN do this work. Thank you so much for this much-needed presentation and your wonderfully relational approach to it.”

Jane McCampbell

The most beneficial aspect of Lambers’ training was the explanations and examples he gave throughout his presentation of diversity. Lambers was clear and I was able to understand and follow his training on this very meaningful topic. I would absolutely recommend Lambers’ training to anyone.”

Tongia Sullivan
Kaiser Permanente

Helping Professionals To Increase
Awareness & Competence

A Positive, Empowering & Shame-Free Approach to Reducing Unintentional Cultural Offenses and Repairing Cross-Cultural Relationships